Donation From Profit January 2024
This is our second month. After paying for hosting for years in advance, and paying all other costs associated with building and running a website, we have not earned any profit – as expected. We only sold a few items from our shop and are not using adverts on our site to create income, yet. We earned nothing from any affiliate programmes.
However, we want to give something to a dogs charity or shelter. However small the amount is. We give it from a place of low income and high costs.
As our site ages, we hope these numbers will rise, and we will revisit the charities who received low donations in these early days.
We chose Pawprints Dog Rescue to donate to this month. We haven’t had any dealings with them in the past, but we’ve heard of them and it looks like they do amazing work!
You can visit Pawprints Dog Rescue here, to see what they do and make a donation if you wish.
Should you like to buy a dog t-shirt or mug etc, while supporting us and a dog charity or shelter, you can visit our shop.
Below is the screenshot of our donation to Pawprints Dog Rescue for the month ending January 2024.