Donation from Profit December 2023
This is the month we started the website. After paying for hosting for years in advance, and paying all other costs associated with building a website, we have not earned any profit – as expected. (we sold nothing from our new shop or earned any affiliate income)
However, we like helping dogs, and although this first amount is small, we give it from a place of low income and high costs.
As our site ages, these numbers will rise, and we will revisit the charities who received low donations in these early days.
We chose Beagle Welfare for our first donation as we know what great work they do. We recently helped a young woman give up her much loved Beagle to Beagle Welfare. She gave her dog up for reasons beyond her control, and it was heart-breaking to witness her distress caused by such a difficult decision.
The decision was made with the beagle in mind, and the young lady did the right thing. We are very proud of her.
Beagle Welfare do wonderful work, and should you like to learn more or donate to them, you can find Beagle Welfare Here.
Should you like to buy a dog t-shirt or mug etc, while supporting us and a dog charity or shelter, you can visit our shop.
Below is the screenshot of our Donation to The Beagle Welfare Scheme for the month ending December 2023.